Map Viewer
Import Map

Import map with GEOJSON format.

Import Charts

Import charts with JSON format.

Hide popup close button

- when it is checked then the close button at the top of each popup chart will be hidden.

- when it is unchecked then the close button at the top of each popup chart will be visible.

Map Drawer
Import Map

Import map with GEOJSON format.

Import Image

Import an image to be background for the map.

Image properties

Scale factor : image demission factor for scaling up and scaling down, you can change the image scale by clicking on + or - buttons.

Position : changing the position of the image by clicking on Up or Down or Left or Right.

Map properties

Opacity : changing map's transparency by clicking on + or - buttons.

Deleted Shape : restoring deleted map shapes by clicking on Undo button.


Creating GEOJSON format from the shapes.


Exporting and saving GEOJSON file into local machine.

Map Drawer - Drawing a polygon shape

It is highly recommended adding a name for the shape, the name will be used if there is a chart related to the shape (e.g: country name).


The shape fill color. The color value is hexadecimal (e.g: #000000).

Type: string
Default: '#555555'

Specifies a numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0 to determine the opacity of the fill's color.

Type: numerical
Default: 0.2

The shape border color. The color value is hexadecimal (e.g: #000000).

Type: string
Default: '#000000'

Specifies a numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0 to determine the opacity of the stroke's color.

Type: numerical
Default: 1.0

Specifies the width of the shape in pixels.

Type: number
Default: 1

The zIndex compared to other shapes.

Type: number
Default: 1
Map Drawer - Drawing a line

It is highly recommended adding a name for the line, the name will be used if there is a chart related to the line (e.g: river name).


The line color. The color value is hexadecimal (e.g: #000000).

Type: string
Default: '#555555'

Specifies a numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0 to determine the opacity of the line's color.

Type: numerical
Default: 1.0

Specifies the width of the line in pixels.

Type: number
Default: 2

The zIndex compared to other shapes.

Type: number
Default: 2
Map Drawer - Drawing a marker

It is highly recommended adding a name for the marker, the name will be used if there is a chart related to the line (e.g: place name).


Specifies the displayed text on the map and it has json format.

  • "text": represents the displayed text.
  • "color": the text color in hexadecimal (e.g: #C70E20).
  • "fontWeight": how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed (e.g: regular or bold).
  • "fontSize": text size in pixel (e.g: 11px).
    "text": "Sample Text",
    "color": "#C70E20",
    "fontWeight": "regular",
    "fontSize": "11px"
Type: json
Default: null

Specifies the marker icon.

  • "path": represents the icon shape (e.g: circle . in the below example).
  • "scale": how big or small the icon is (e.g: small shape 1 in the below example).
  • "fillColor": the fill icon color in hexadecimal(e.g: #ff0000 in the below example).
  • "fillOpacity": specifies a numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0 to determine the opacity of the fill's color.
  • "strokeColor": the icon border color. The color value is hexadecimal (e.g: #008000 or transparent).
  • "strokeWeight": specifies the width of the icon border.
  • "strokeOpacity": specifies a numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0 to determine the opacity of the stroke's color.
  • "labelOrigin" the position of the icon relative to the label by changing the value of x and y.
    "path": "M 1.8375 0 C 4.41 0 4.41 3.675 1.8375 3.675 C -0.735 3.675 -0.735 0 1.8375 0",
    "scale": 1,
    "fillColor": "#ff0000",
    "fillOpacity": 1,
    "strokeColor": "transparent",
    "strokeWeight": 0,
    "strokeOpacity": 0,
    "labelOrigin": {
        "x": 22,
        "y": 2
Type: json
Default: marker red

The zIndex compared to other shapes.

Type: number
Default: 3